You deserve great healthcare, no matter how busy you are

Save time. Save money. While washing your clothes.

Join Fabric Fam!

We’re all busy.
We have jobs and families.

“Time to sort through health insurance plans or switch doctors?
Not so much.”

said everyone, ever

That’s why we’re at the laundromat, bringing free resources & helping complete confusing paperwork while you wait.

While waiting for your laundry, we help you with:

  • Free healthcare insurance help
  • Free SNAP signup
  • Free LIHEAP (heating bill support) signup
  • Free primary care provider navigation
  • And much more!

How it works:

Register at the laundromat

Get text invites to special events

Meet us for free help & free stuff

Rinse and repeat

Fabric is always FREE

Join Fabric Fam!

Who we are

We’re Fabric Health: former teachers, librarians, and social workers who want to make your life easier. Our name says it all – we bring care... to your laundromat.

Contact us

We want to hear from you.

Text/Call: (215) 792-3453